Thank God for Facebook. Not just to remind you of birthdays you would otherwise forget, but it takes you on a trip down memory lane when your Facebook memories pop up.
This day 3 years ago caused me great panic. Not just for what happened, but the timing of it all was quite comical in hindsight.
4 years ago, as the vet was plucking porcupine quills out of my dog Eddie’s face, I vividly remember him saying, “either your dog will have learned his lesson, or he’ll someday want to get even.” Ha! He didn’t really know Eddie, actually neither applies. Eddie is an 11 year old toddler that lives life as a hopeless romantic. So, to none of our surprise, 3 years ago today, Eddie was fired on a second time. This time Charley, the Golden Retriever was with him, but was smart enough not to engage. Not Crazy Eddie, back in he went, and seconds later, he comes out of the bush with a hipster beard. See the pictures attached.
It wasn’t really a great idea to take him for a walk 2 hours before I had to announce the Calgary Roughnecks lacrosse game. With 2 hours to ball drop, I was on the phone with the vet, trying to figure out how to get him to the vet and back (keep in mindthey have to knock him out) before I drove downtown to the Dome from Confluence Park. Thank God for good friends it all worked out, and that was the last time Eddie has ever been off leash. lol

He almost looks proud, doesn't he?! "Dad, I almost got him!!" lol