Some people in life are dog lovers, then there are people like us, dog obsessed!!
Everything in life is way more fun when you have a dogs or dogs, but camping is on the top of that list. We only book campsites that our dogs would pick out themselves. Criteria for a dog friendly site?! A pond or lake, hiking trails, their own comfy camping chair & it must have a little ice cream stand. We spent the weekend at Jarvis Bay (Sylvan Lake), and the last 24 hours has been a big ole nap for Eddie & Charley. Spending hours a day playing fetch in the water alone is enough, but it was so beautiful we went for endless walks as well.
Last year after realizing Charley took a liking to my chair, and it was never available when I wanted to use it, we went to Costco to pick up her own comfy camping chair. Problem is, she still likes mine, so really the new one we bought was for me. And I wouldn't have it any other way.
