Happy St. Paddy’s Day!! Or is it St. Patty’s Day?!
Forever this day will be etched in my mind as the weirdest day in history. By this point in 2020, Covid had reached many parts of the world & Europe was a ghost town. I remember drones flying through Rome giving a perspective on a completely empty city. Having travelled to Italy a few years before that, it was really eery seeing such a bustling town & country grind to a halt.
Locally, we started to see our first couple cases of Covid 19 (remember when it was called that?) in the city of Calgary & people were getting on edge. I remember standing in the kitchen, having a green beer on March 17th,

checking social media to see if they were going to shut schools down. Sure enough, it was the very next day that kids in our country went online. So tough for the kids because they love school for their friends. Real shout out to teachers & all school staff who didn’t miss a beat & did whatever it took to pivot on a dime.
It only took 2 years (who remembers 2 weeks to flatten the curve?) but it looks like we're on the right track back to normal. And it all started on St Patrick’s Day two years ago today.
Happy St. Paddy’s Day!!