You ever buy something, are super excited about it and never use it?! About ten years ago I bought a kick ass Canon Rebel camera & I was going to take a ton of pictures in the mountains. I even bought a pretty decent lens so I could zoom right in on those grizzly bears in the wild. I was set!
I practically live in the mountains, between dirt biking, hiking, camping, skiing etc. I may as well have some great memories and great pictures. In the last ten years I used the camera a total of zero times. Waste. Of. Money.
Now that I have a little more time on my hands, I am forcing myself to have this as one of my hobbies. Not just taking pics on trips to the mountains, but getting out in the back country to photograph some of the best scenery in the world. I was hoping I wouldn’t hate it as I committed myself to go at least once a week. Yesterday was the maiden voyage, and I snapped a LOT of pics. I spent most of my time watching YouTube vids to find out how to use the camera properly, including how to view the images I just took. Yeah, that’s how much of a beginner I was with this thing. In hindsight, I was lucky to remember to take the lens cap off.
Ok, I’m gonna post one a week, let’s track the progress to see how much better I get. Here’s the very first pic I took, I know, it’s not a bear, but I got a lot closer to this guy than I would a Griz!
