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I'm gonna save you $15


Let me just start by saying how much I love movies. It's one of my favourite things to do. A night out with a big screen, big sound, a reclining chair etc is a real treat. I almost never give a movie a bad review because I love the experience so much.

Last night my wife really wanted to see "Nope." I really wasn't a huge fan of "Get Out", the only other Jordan Peele movie I saw, but what the hell, "Happy wife happy life." Not to mention we had the Premiere seating, which also included a little more space in the theatre & a heated seat which I thought would be the perfect tonic for my throbbing back.

Friends, I was laughing in places I shouldn't have, and was having a real hard time reacting to the "jump scares" they wanted me to react to. There just really wasn't anything there. The plot was so far fetched, I couldn't get into it, or relate to any of the characters. The movie theatre was pretty full, so obviously there was a little hype going in. My wife didn't mind it she says, is that the truth, or because she picked it she wanted to like it more. I don't know, but long of the short of it....I'm trying to save you 131 minutes you'll never get back. Maybe go see Top Gun: Maverick again. Now there's a movie!!



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