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If only I could talk to the animals


Dr. Doolittle & Caesar Milan, right?! I think the list is very small. Those are the only two I can think of that can communicate with animals. Am I missing any?!

Sure, I can get my dogs to do the basics: sit, shake a paw, lie down, excitedly ask them if they want to go outside or for a walk & gauge their face for a reaction. Other than that, I’m out of ideas to communicate with my pooch.

Let me just back up for a second. After an ACL surgery in consecutive years for our Golden Retriever, Charley, we were convinced that this summer was going to look a lot different for her. All those days of being left in the trailer while the rest of the family hikes are finally coming to an end. About a month ago she started limping again. Oh no! Was the surgery not quite right?! Will she have to go back under the knife again?! Not to make this about money, but keep in mind without pet insurance (which we didn’t have), each leg is in the $5000 range to fix. And it’s not just the cost you have to consider, it’s a pretty lengthy rehab too with someone sleeping beside her & monitoring her for 6- 8 weeks. She actually has a harness with handles to carry her down from the deck to pee.

After a set of x-rays, her surgeon (who has now moved to BC), determined that it was a groin pull. A bit of a relief for sure, but still pretty painful for the dog. No surgery, just a little rehab like you or I would do, which if you’ve been following this blog, you know she is doing hydratherapy, which is like physio, but in the pool. Perfect. She has webbed feet & she loves the water.

In the meantime, as she walks, she refuses to put any weight on that paw. I tried to get a good picture of it to show you, but she keeps it in the air, refusing to even try & put weight on it. I mean, how can you strengthen & get better if you refuse to use it?! She jumps off the bed & goes up & down stairs like that. No matter how many times I tell her to use it, she refuses. I think we have a language barrier. Help!! lol



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