Facebook memories are a wonderful thing. They remind us of little snapshots of our life that may have slipped our memory banks.
I remember taking this picture, it was our 2nd Winnipeg winter 13 years ago. My son would have been 5. It was shortly after I had shoveled the driveway. They don't call it Winterpeg for nothing. I had my son, Noah, stand in front of the pile to give it context how much we got. The same way you hold a stone of hail beside a loonie.
I remember growing up in Ottawa where it seemed like we got endless dumps of snow much like you see in this picture. Of course I was a lot smaller then, and I remember it being about the same height to me as Noah and his pile of snow.
Wouldn't you love to go back and see how big (or not as big) things really were. It's easy to have that recency bias as we have remained the same height for quite some time, but I would love to go back to see the size of the world that once seemed so enormous.