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Physiotherapy for dogs?!


I didn’t even know this was a thing. As much as I’ve always wanted a Golden Retriever, I wasn’t prepared for the vet bills that came with it. Sure, there’s routine stuff like spay surgery, or things you don’t anticipate like two ACL surgeries in consecutive summers, one for each back leg. I strongly suggest you get pet insurance lol, it might save you thousands.

A few weeks ago Charley was limping again, so, back to the vet we go. Honestly, you fear the worst & think something got bungled with one of the surgeries. After an hour worth of xrays (and another $375) it turns out she has a pulled groin. Didn’t see it happen, have no idea how it happened but here we are. I look the vet in the eyes & asked what kind of surgery do we do for this. She said you don’t, you take her to physiotherapy. And in this case, hydratherapy. She works with a therapist in a pool. This is amazing. As a water lover with webbed feet, there couldn’t be a better fit. Let’s pray it works, I hate seeing her like this.



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