When I embarrassingly forgot my wedding anniversary last year and announced this on the radio, listener Shari made it her mission it would never happen again. She put the date in her phone and set reminders that she could pass on to me.
I have never met Shari, but we built a strong connection through the radio.
Immediately through the radio station text line, she would start giving me a countdown to my anniversary so I wouldn't forget. This started right after my blunder. Her countdowns start around day 300 and continue every few days.
Just because I'm not currently on the radio, doesn’t mean she stopped contacting me. In fact, she has upped her game, if you can believe it. We were already connected on Facebook, but she has also hunted me down on Instagram, TikTok & LinkedIn, just to pass along the info. This is amazing, and quite humbling to say the least - that someone who enjoyed my personal life so much on the radio, would make such a personal investment in her own life. I love it. You treat them like family and they will be loyal to you for life.
Social media allows these important connections and I am so glad they are there. I love seeing the listeners kids grow up, someone get married, etc, too. What would we do without social media?!
