It was a long week of getting up at 3:18 am, so on Friday April 6th, 2018, I went to bed early, unaware of the tragic events that went down in rural Saskatchewan that evening. A day that changed the hockey world forever. The Humboldt Broncos hockey team was headed to their playoff game in Nipawin to take on their rival Hawks in game 6, when a truck driver blew through a stop sign, tragically hitting the bus.
So many young lives lost that day, players & crew. So many lives changed forever. I was woken up by a call early Saturday am asking to go to the radio station to record a tribute to the hockey team, a tribute that was eventually played Canada wide. Before I left, I got up to speed on the accident through social media, and I was devastated. The tribute, which you can hear on my “Stuff I said on the radio” page took a long time to record. The piece is only a minute and 10 seconds long but getting through it was tough. I remember leaving producer Rob’s studio several times to wipe the tears from my eyes. Firstly, it was devastating. Second, it hit so close to home. That was my life exactly, as my son went town to town in the hockey world doing the same thing. It could have happened to any of us.
Today, April 7th, is now known as “Green Shirt Day.” A day for awareness about organ donation. Up until my latest drivers license renewal, I thought I was a donor. I was wrong. I’m glad I am now.
