The worst thing about having a pet is when something is wrong with them, there's a bit of a language barrier. Charley has had more than her fair of surgeries (4) in her 5 years of life, and numerous other trips to the vet. I wouldn't begin to add up the vet bills, but you do whatever it takes for your pet. In the case of my soulmate, Charley, I would go into debt for the rest of my life to take care of her. She has been the best friend you could ever ask for.
This time around the vet took it to the next level: Ultrasounds, blood tests etc. Thankfully it was a bladder infection in the end that clears with antibiotics. It was worth the many hours of waiting for procedures and scary phone calls from vets.
She's back smiling and playing and back to herself. Life is just way better with dogs,
